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Management Consulting

  • strategic and operational plans.
  • Institutional capacity-building.
  • Governance, compliance, and risks management.
  • Change and transformation management.
  • Innovation and creativity management.
  • Cost management.
  •  Programs and initiatives plan.
  • Business plans.

Economic Consulting

  • Feasibility studies.
  • Economic modeling.
  • Specialized economic research.
  • Surveys and statistical analyses.
  • Data centers operations.
  • Economic and financial evaluation
  • Institutional investments plans.

Management Consulting

Strategic & Operational Plans

In strategic and operational planning, Saudi Scope and our global partners employ best practices and models. The following stages uphold Saudi Scoop’s methodology and business model:

  • Stage 1: preparation and planning.
  • Stage 2: Diagnosis, Information and Data Collection.
  • Stage 3: data analysis.
  • Stage 4: Building vision, mission, and values.
  • Stage 5: Building strategic objectives and business unit strategies.
  • Stage 6: Building operational plans.
  • Stage 7: Building KPIs.
  • Stage 8: Governance, Commitment, Risk, and Oversight Management Document.
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Institutional Capacity-building

Building the institutional capacity of ministries, institutions, organizations, and businesses necessitates a professional team, interdisciplinary expertise, and the transfer of pioneering experiences. We have these requirements at Saudi Scope, as well as a local and global consulting team that has implemented many capacity-building projects for various entities. Our consulting methodology is founded on:

  1. Study the analysis of administrative, technical, and financial gaps in all business units to assess the current situation and readiness of the organization.
  2. Design of a detailed plan for enterprise development programs through measurement, survey, data analysis and workshops.
  3. Identify knowledge transfer and training tools and programs for policies and regulations in partnership with leading global actors.
  4. Implementation of the plan’s workshops on knowledge transfer, sustainability, measurement, and reporting.
  5. Implementation of impact measurement analysis for the actions implemented.
  6. Implementation of experts’ recommendations reports during the action phase and final reports.
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Governance, Compliance & Risks

There are legislative regulations that determine governance, compliance, and exposure to risk, as well as the security and documentation of procedures or data. They increase the importance of a business strategy that assists decision-makers in making the right decisions.

At Saudi Scope Consulting Company, we are implementing a GRC business model in collaboration with leading global consultants to achieve cost efficiency, productivity, and risk mitigation effectiveness. Our core consulting methodology for organizations and businesses in this area is as follows:

  1. Study and analyze the current situation and gaps, measure the maturity of the practice of governance, compliance, and risk standards.
  2. Design and implementation of workshops for the formulation and design of the strategic and operational plan.
  3. Develop strategies for governance management, compliance management, and risk management.
  4. Writing and drafting executive regulations, working procedures manuals, organizational structures, job matrices, functions, powers, and responsibilities.
  5. Transfer of knowledge and training in the operation of work unit programs in accordance with the GRC program.
Service request

Management of change & transformation

The Change and Significant Transformation Management Plan’s holistic strategy can lessen the interconnected risks and conflict of interest obstacle, It also helps the public and commercial sectors move with changes in the industry. Our system relies on the following basics and stages:

  • Stage 1: Design the Agenda for Change:This phase has several themes, the most important of which are measuring the readiness for change, reviewing beliefs, engaging everyone with results across surveys and workshops, the organization’s behavioral contracts, and baseline diagnosis.
  • Stage 2: Organization movement:The main thing at this stage is building the PCOR office, leadership role model, task team and stakeholders, induction workshops and evaluation engagement, and participation in the training methodology.
  • Stage 3: Linking change:The most crucial steps at this stage are the preparation of the program’s infrastructure, implementation of the balanced scorecard for key resources, engagement of results, proactive system, and strict management.
  • Stage 4: Results management: It focuses on participation indicators and rigorous management results analysis, road map design, program evaluation models, reporting, and experience manuals.
  • Stage 5: Strategic communication:the most essential areas include the design and review of the communication line, the distribution of roles among the key partners of the change, and the transformation management process.
  • Stage 6: Sustainability and follow-up plan:Includes auditing, sensing, transforming, and developing the capacities and desires of change.
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Management of Innovation & Creativity

The Innovation Management Action Network is based on a comprehensive understanding of the work scope of the strategy, the organizational structure, processes, and infrastructure, the capabilities, the potential of resources, and the work environment’s culture of innovation.

We offer advisory services to organizations and businesses in the establishment and development of an innovation, creativity, and leadership system based on the following business model:

  • Study, analysis, and assessment of the current state of the practice of innovation, creativity, and leadership.
  • Implementation of special workshops for the general strategic plan, work unit plan, and indicators of action measurement.
  • Design of organizational structure, matrix of functions, missions, powers, regulations, and manuals of operations procedures.
  • Prepare a launch plan to stimulate the innovative capabilities of the working environment and employees.
  • Plan the initiative to spread the culture of innovation, creativity, and leadership with practical programs.
  • Formulation of the innovative process, projected risk document, early-onset, and remediation model.
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 Costs management

Saudi Scope Consulting Company brings together the local consultant teams and its global consulting partners. They provide consultative solutions in the development of rationalization and cost-reduction management strategies based on appropriate business models, including the following methodology and business model:

  • Assess, study, and analyze the current situation and the extent to which the strategy and cost-appropriate processes are exercised and measured.
  • Implement special workshops to study evaluation outputs and make expert recommendations.
  • Formulate the overall cost strategy and the procedure guide of pricing policy for value-based pricing.
  • Build operational cost performance indicators and early forecasting indicators according to business variables.
  • Transfer of knowledge and training for technical working tools and modeling of the cost unit.
Service request

Programs and Initiatives plan

Saudi Scope’s expertise and specialized capabilities in the plans and business models of launching programs and initiatives for projects related to strategic and operational project planning encompass the following services:

  • Read and analyze data, information, scope of work and objectives of the program or initiative.
  • Assess the current situation and identify gaps in the scope and business model of the target.
  • Analyze the environment of legislation and regulations and their programme or initiative destinations.
  • Build and design the business model, encompass the idea, scope, objectives, targets, resources, key partners and added value.
  • Strategic and operational workplan design, business process manuals, techniques, performance measurement indicators and reverse feeding.
  • Design governance, risk, commitment, oversight, and human resources document.
  • Financial and economic analysis of the programme or initiative and monitoring of economic value-added indicators.
  • Design the implementation time plan according to its stages, time and cost and identify the task and responsibilities.
Service request

Business Plans

These are the services provided by the relevant government agencies for the studies and procedures of transforming institutions and businesses, including:

  • Establishing national and foreign companies in general with the Ministry of Commerce or Investment.
  • Convert enterprises and companies into higher models at the Ministry of Commerce.
  • Business plans for the company’s IPO in financial markets.

Saudi Scope does the following:

  • Preparation and design of each case’s economic feasibility study.
  • Prepare and implement workplans, models, structures, and procedure manuals for each case in accordance with requirements of the relevant authorities.
  • Preparation of corporate statutes, decisions, and partner documentation, as well as the necessary foundation contracts, in accordance with relevant authorities’ regulations and in collaboration with authorized legal partners.
  • Managing the application file, completing the requirements and conditional documents, submitting them to the relevant entities, in collaboration with cooperating public services.
  • Saudi Scope also works with its clients to provide services and consultations on financing solutions available in both governmental and private.
Service request

Economic Consulting

Feasibility studies

Saudiscope’s methodology in these services is based on the standards and methodology of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization “UNIDO” with accordance to the latest available, reliable models and data. It includes the following main parts:

1st: the market study

  • Introducing the investment entity, activities and products of the project.
  • Analysis of the regulatory and investment environment of project.
  • Collecting, reading and analyzing data and information for project.
  • Micro and macro analysis of the current and future supply and demand of project.
  • Analyzing market size, market gap, competition, prices, and market share.
  • Sales plan and pricing.
  • Marketing strategy.
  • SWOT analysis.

2nd: The technical study

  • Product or Service: Size or absorptive capacity, nature, use or consumption.
  • Technical specifications of the site.
  • Technologies used for the project.
  • Raw materials, transportation, furniture and fixtures.
  • Fixed and operating expenses.
  • Public benefits and government fees.
  • HR and training plan.
  • Pre-operational cost.
  • Implementation time plan.

3rd: the financial and economic study

This part includes the financial and economic analyzes of the project over the next ten years, include:

  • – Total investment cost.
  • – Balance sheet statement.
  • – Income statement.
  • – Cash flows statement.
  • – List of financial and economic indicators.
  • – Sensitivity analysis.
Service request

Economic modeling

Saudi Scope provides clients from the public and private sectors an advisory capability in enhancing the capabilities of practicing economic policies and modeling in analysis, forecasting and estimates. These services also enhancing the capabilities of economic administrative, statistical modeling and the techniques used.

The scope and methodology of work in Saudiscope in this regard includes sections and stages as follows:

Section 1: Assessment and Baseline Planning.

1st stage: Evaluating the general strategy of the organization and the targeted policies, programs and initiatives.

2nd stage: Analyzing the relevant gaps in building or developing the economic modeling and policy unit.

3rd stage: Designing a plan, model, and strategy for the targeted work, tools, and the expected budget, according to the outputs of the previous stages.

Section 2: Designing a business model and methodology.

1st stage: Supervising the implementation tools of HR capabilities, and the required technologies used.

2nd stage: Defining and operating the statistical database and sources, and classifications according to the targeted business model.

3rd stage:  Designing business models for the capabilities of policy-making and economic modeling, including limiting the variables, equations in analysis and forecasting, measuring the indicators and recommendations for the decision-making process.

4th: stage: Designing, building and implementing work methodologies for reports.

Section 3: Capacity building, knowledge transfer and training.

1st stage: Designing training curricula packages to the scope and model of the targeted work.

2nd stage: Launching the implementation of knowledge transfer and advanced training courses within organizations, including training on preparing performance reports for the unit of economic policies, modeling, and the feedback model for the unit’s strategy.

Service request

Specialized economic researches

Where the high professional capabilities of Saudiscope, which specializes in such a type, according to the standards and methodologies of scientific research in part and in whole. We used an advanced statistical, research programs and official modern data sources from accredited local and international bodies.  Saudi Scope methodology in this aspect is based on:

  1. Determine the problem of the study or the phenomenon under study and analysis.
  2. Determine the research methodology used for the study.
  3. Monitoring previous research on the subject under study and results.
  4. Design and define the analysis model, type, and the tools used.
  5. Presenting the problem or phenomenon and rephrasing it in the form of results and recommendations.
Service request

Surveys and statistical analysis

We, at Saudiscope, are working on implementing opinion poll services for the public and private sectors according to the scientific methodology, using the most accurate and latest technical technologies, and with the highest credibility as an authorized service provider.

The most important types of opinion polls that we provide services:

  1. Surveys of economic and social phenomena. 2. Public opinion polls. 3. Market and marketing surveys. 4. Polls of media and opinion leaders.

Our methodology for implementing opinion poll services:

Reconciliation planning

  1. Subject selection and data collection.
  2. Formulate the main objective and detailed objectives.
  3. Determine the survey and sample range.
  4. Determine and collect the required data.
  5. sample design.
  6. Determine the schedule.

Preparing survey

  1. Designing the regulatory framework.
  2. Determine the budget.
  3. Define tools.
  4. Formation of work teams.
  5. sample withdrawal.
  6. Preparing the study community.
  7. Proactive experience.

Conduct survey

  1. Determine the direction of the tool and the mechanism.
  2. Response ratio analysis.
  3. Follow-up survey performance.
  4. Dealing with deviations.
  5. Review.
  6. redirect.

Extract survey results

  1. coding.
  2. Management of automatic entry and audit programs.
  3. processing results extraction software.
  4. Checking the entered data.
  5. Presentation of results and writing of a report.
Service request

Feasibility study evaluation

Our expertise and work in the field of economic feasibility studies and their methodologies allow us practicing operating services for the evaluation of feasibility studies and training for organizations whose business depends on economic feasibility studies such as lenders, licenses and investment agencies. Our methodology in this field covers the following aspects:

  1. Monitoring the strategies of the authorities related to economic feasibility studies according to their purpose and the scope of their targets.
  2. Building and designing the professional methodology and the scope of conditional items according to the objectives of each entity.
  3. Building and operating the reference database that is used in evaluating the accuracy and validity of data.
  4. Building and designing evaluation criteria for the indicators used in evaluation.
  5. Training in the field of evaluating economic feasibility studies within the entities in the aim of transferring expertise, techniques and skills.
Service request

Financial and economic evaluation

The effective system for measuring the performance of organizations must include basic indicators of performance through which a comprehensive evaluation is carried out to reach an ideal decision for each case, and for the purposes of:

1. acquisition.
2. Merger with other parties or to enter new partners.
3. Stand on the efficiency of the current performance.

Saudi Scope methodology includes the following stages:

  1. Financial performance report, this part includes:

– Balanced sheet statement analysis.
– Income statement analysis.
– Cash flow analysis.
– Partners equities & returns Analysis
– Financial and economic indicators analysis.
– Brand and reputation analysis.
– PESTEL & SWOT analysis.

Service request

  Institutional investment development

We in Saudi Scope work with our clients to apply the highest international models and methodologies in the field of developing investments, whether governmental, organizations or private sector companies. Our methodology in this implementation of these services covers the following main parts:

  1. Analyzing the general investment environment to be applied in the investments under development.
  2. Analyzing and evaluating the current situation, data and identifying gaps using global matrix models.
  3. Building and designing the strategic plan, strategies of business units, manual procedures guides and performance measurement standards.
  4. Designing governance, control, risk and compliance documents in accordance with the HR organization structures.
  5. Determine the technical programs and applications used in implementation and operational processes.
  6. Determine the expected outputs according to the plan of investment development objectives.
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Our clients